Whether you have wall-to-wall carpeting or area rugs, the coverings of your floor will at some point need a good cleaning. But the last thing you need for cleaning is harsh chemical that can ruin your carpet.
Many customers are asking us about green carpet cleaning. We proudly announce that All Aces Services performs green cleaning upon request. This service is available for both residential and commercial customers.
Indoor carpet is susceptible to mould, dust, and mites. Although vacuuming can help reduce these nasty elements that can thrive on your carpet, professional carpet cleaning is still recommended if you want total removal of mould, dust, and mites. You should mind, though, that not all professional cleaners use safe method and cleaning products when they perform carpet cleaning. Some cleaners use caustic chemicals like perchlorothylene and napthtalene, which are harmful substances that could result in injury to red blood cells.
There are also reported cases of nausea, dizziness, and irritation after steam cleaning. Pets are sometimes affected. The fumes these caustic chemicals produce do not have any place in your healthy home, so start thinking about availing a green cleaning service from your trusted carpet cleaning company.
If you decide to call in a professional carpet cleaner, make sure you ask if their company provides green cleaning. You can also choose plant-based alternative cleaning solution and non-toxic steam cleaning. All Aces Services is a carpet cleaning company that fulfills the criteria of an efficient and effective green cleaning service provider in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast, and the Gold Coast.
When we perform green carpet cleaning, we use environment-and-pet-safe-cleaning products. We provide you different options to help you in cleaning, protecting, and restoring your carpet to its perfect condition. We have several green carpet cleaning products like Green Balance Neutralising Rinse, Green Balance Carpet Pre-Spray, and Green Balance Carpet Extraction Rinse. We have success stories involving our green products, so we are confident that we can repeat the story with you!
If you are looking for a safer and healthier choice in carpet cleaning, try green carpet cleaning with All Aces Services!